The Rowans - Multi purpose Day Centre for elderly and disabled people. Steeple View (off Pelham Road), Worthing
The County Council wants to transfer 25% of day centre users to the voluntary sector, but most of the vountary sector is not geared up to support people with significant disabilities and dementia. In reality, there will be few services to pick up where the Council leaves off. ON top of this, the Government and the Council are cutting important grants to the voluntary sector. People in Worthing continue to want high quality centre-based day services. There are hidden costs in the County Council's proposals and the reality is there will be no money left to develop alternatives to the Council's day centres. After all that, the County Council wants to look at privatising The Rowans!
It is vital that people in Worthing come along to the public consultation meeting. Keep the Rowans public and keep the Rowans open to all levels of disability!
Public consultation meeting:
Tuesday 14th September, 2:30-4pm, Charmandean Centre, Forest Road, Worthing, BN14 9HS
For more background information see the Council's web page
Also see Unison's paper on day centres (PDF)