Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wednesday 23rd March · 8pm-10pm
Upstairs at The Downview, Tarring Rd (opp West Worthing station)

In what should be a momentous week for the anti-cuts movement, join us for our regular meeting to hear the latest on public service cuts and the campaigns to stop them, plus lots more.  This week's agenda includes:

- Fighting cuts to adult social care in West Sussex, with a guest speaker "Don’t Cut Us Out West Sussex" - who organised the brilliant hundreds-strong demo at West Sussex County Council in Chichester recently
- National anticuts demo 26th March: final push to publicise + arrangements for the day
- Update on "Stop 9th Tesco" campaign
- WSN & the local elections: update

As always, everyone is very welcome, particularly if you've never been before!

Police support March 26?

Tory MP tells Cameron where to stick NHS reforms.

Nuclear power has meltdown.

Osborne the social re-engineer.

1700 jobs go as Royal mail centres close.

Comical Sarah gets geography lesson.