Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brilliant response to protest

THERE was a brilliant response from the Worthing public to our protest in the town centre on Saturday.

The Worthing Solidarity Network event coincided with the Ukuncut national day of action against corporate tax dodgers and this was taken up as the theme of the day.

Our prominent stall in Montague Place attracted loads of interest from shoppers and a thousand leaflets were handed out.

People are really understanding the link between the cuts being imposed on ordinary people and the huge profits still being gathered in by Big Business tycoons with the approval of their friends in the Conservative Party. 

We also staged a mass tour of some of the worst Fat Cat tax dodging companies in Montague Street, demonstrating peacefully but noisily with chants, megaphone and banners outside Vodafone, Topshop, Boots and BHS.

Police were out in force to protect the corporate sector from our crack team of protesters and formed lines outside the front of all the shops mentioned, thus adding to the spectacle and drawing yet more interest from the public.

With public anger at Tory policies rising every day, these protests are only going to get bigger and bigger in the months ahead!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Despite the death of Ian Tomlinson, the six-hour brain operation to save the life of the young student following a cowardly police baton attack on his head and the numerous other grievous bodily harm attacks by them on anyone who dares to protest, the Home Secretary says she fully supports the police. (Sky News 11.10am, December 12.)

So despite the impending Inquiry into the way the various protests were policed, this arrogant woman has become Judge and Jury as well as Home Secretary.

Friday, December 10, 2010

UK stuffed by Short Sighted MP’s

The future looks bleaker than ever today for our skills base following yesterday’s decision in the commons to scare off future doctors, engineers, scientist etc by the thought of massive long-term debt.

Clearly those blinkered MP’s don’t get out much into the real world otherwise they’d see the results of the free education given in the Far East and South American countries. History will record yesterday’s vote as yet another lurch into obscurity for Britain as countries like China and South Korea increasingly dominate everything that’s produced.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

March on Parliament - December 9!

We urge all students and those who support them to get up to London on Thursday Dec 9. More info at

Friday, December 03, 2010

Have the banks got away with causing the financial crisis?
Author Bethany McLean discusses whether the financial institutions will ever be brought to justice.

(Starts about 0853 Hrs)

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Pots of money in the Bank, why the cuts then?

With the news that WSCC has non-capital reserves of over £62 Million the question has to be asked. Why is this money not used to protect services instead of sitting in a dodgy Bank somewhere? We demand an answer from councillors.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Join us tonight, 1 December at 8pm for the latest anti-cuts reports and to
help plan an Xmas fancy-dress anti-cuts demo in Worthing on 18th Dec.

The meeting is at the Beechwood Hall, Wykeham Road (go past library out of town, it's on the
right a few hundred yards past the mini roundabout in Richmond Rd).
Lib Dems in chaos!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Injuries and arrests as anti-cuts protest in southeast London turns violent
Osborne’s fat cat chums receive relaxation of tax rules for Xmas.

Monday, November 29, 2010

We have a real problem... we have a government who have gained power even though they were not voted for by the electorate!

Worthing protest on Saturday December 18

A protest against all the ConDem austerity measures will be staged in Worthing town centre on Saturday December 18. Gather for 2pm in Montague Place, Worthing (near the bandstand). Christmas fancy dress is an optional extra! No to the cuts! No to tuition fee rises! No to privatisation! Make the Fat Cats pay! You can grab a leaflet to print out and distribute from here and a poster to display in your window or a local shop from here.

Worthing Solidarity Network meeting

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday December 1, 8pm at The Beechwood Hall Hotel in Wykeham Road, Worthing, BN11 4DJ. We're keen to get even more people involved, so please come along!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Met under fire for charging at Students
R3 has published researched into the impact of public sector cuts on small businesses.
Writing in the Guardian, Labour MP and Treasury select committee member Chuka Umunna says despite coalition pledges to make the City pay its fair share, Osborne has let bankers off the hook.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bond Traders (financial terrorists) line up rest of Europe to sink.

LibDems Face Wipe-out

A senior Libdem MP who wished to remain anonymous warns that if the student protests carry on into next year, the spring elections will be a disaster for the Party.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Three universities are occupied in fees protests
European shares and the euro have both risen in value, as markets welcome the bail-out of the Irish economy
Or should that read. Bond traders rub their hands with glee as they see their bonus’s rocket as the Irish economy crashes.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Fears for pensioners over housing benefit reforms:

Housing benefit reforms could leave some elderly people on such low incomes their health may be at risk, the charity Age UK has warned.

The Public and Commercial Services union is urging MPs to throw out a government bill that would severely cut the terms available to civil servants who lose their jobs. See:

PCS: MPs urged to throw out attempt to cut civil service redundancy pay

Six Liberal Democrat councillors in Rochdale have resigned from the party in protest over its leadership nationally and locally. See:$21383617$364840.htm

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

WSN meeting tonight!

A meeting of the Worthing Solidarity Network will be held tonight, Wednesday November 17, at 8pm, in the Laurel Room of the Beechwood Hall hotel in Wykeham Road, Worthing.

We encourage anyone who cares about the future of our communities and our society to come along and get involved.
Job losses planned at councils in England and Wales as a result of ConDem spending cuts are up to over 37,000 reports the GMB. Thousands more workers are facing pay cuts of between 2.5% and 5.4%

Drug companies 'exploiting rules to make exorbitant profits from NHS'

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Carers As Young As 8!

Anyone watching T/V today must have been upset to see carers – some as young as 8 – needing to dedicate themselves to caring for members of their families due to lack of services.

What a contrast then to the shameful behaviour of the many high street names who are using every dodge to avoid paying Tax. By their immoral action these crooks deprive our country of the money to provide services such a respite care to relieve the burden from these wonderful children.

Furthermore, recovery of these lost tax millions would go a long way to reduce the country’s deficit and the need for any cuts in our services. Boycott Vodafone, Boots and all the other Tax Cheats.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Protesters call for students and their supporters to stage a walk-out and then demonstrate outside Liberal Democrat offices and then Downing Street.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Even before the cuts in council services more than 20,000 adults are living in council-funded care homes rated no better than “adequate”, a report from the care standards watchdog found today. See:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


2pm-4pm, Saturday 30th October 

(10 days after the government’s Spending Review announcement)
- Do we HAVE to cut the deficit/balance the budget?
- Is there a different way to raise the money?
- Are cuts inevitable or can we stop them?

YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED:Panel of national trade union and campaign guest speakers inc:
       *DOT GIBSON – General Secretary, National Pensioners’ Convention
*DOMINIC McFADDEN – Public & Commercial Services Union (PCS)
*RON HARLEY – Unison local government union
*CHRIS BAMBERY – from national anti-cuts campaign “Right to Work”
*Speakers from the teachers & postal workers’ unions
*Local workers and service users facing cuts
* Representatives of the Conservative & LibDem Coalition 
parties & the Labour & Green opposition invited 
On 20th October, the Government announced the biggest cuts to public spending in modern British history – slashing the services we all rely on.  There are also plans to hand over large sections of our postal service, hospitals and schools to private companies to run at a profit.  If you’re concerned and want to find out more, or if you’re angry about what’s planned and want to discuss how to oppose the cuts please come along – and tell your friends, family and workmates too!

WSN OPEN MEETINGS: 8pm–10pm Every fortnight (17th Nov, 1st Dec etc) All welcome.
            Note new venue!!
Beechwood Hall hotel in Wykeham Road, Worthing. (Western end of Richmond Rd)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Reminder: Demo Wednesday!

There is a Demo in Worthing this Wednesday (29th September 2010) meet at 4pm outside the Town hall marching off at approx 5:30pm to the Guildbourne centre for a rally and speakers from 6-7pm

Part of a Europe-wide day of action against cuts called by the European trade unions. We already know about the threat to our day centres, fire stations and other local cuts, but much more is to come. Come and join us to show your opposition to cuts - "no cuts, make the bankers pay!"

We need this to be as big as possible so please try to attend if you can and bring some mates. If we are just passive spectators to these cuts they will ruin our lives only by fighting together can we stop them!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Save Our Day Centres!

The Rowans - Multi purpose Day Centre for elderly and disabled people. Steeple View (off Pelham Road), Worthing

The County Council wants to transfer 25% of day centre users to the voluntary sector, but most of the vountary sector is not geared up to support people with significant disabilities and dementia. In reality, there will be few services to pick up where the Council leaves off. ON top of this, the Government and the Council are cutting important grants to the voluntary sector. People in Worthing continue to want high quality centre-based day services. There are hidden costs in the County Council's proposals and the reality is there will be no money left to develop alternatives to the Council's day centres. After all that, the County Council wants to look at privatising The Rowans!

It is vital that people in Worthing come along to the public consultation meeting. Keep the Rowans public and keep the Rowans open to all levels of disability!

Public consultation meeting:
Tuesday 14th September, 2:30-4pm, Charmandean Centre, Forest Road, Worthing, BN14 9HS

For more background information see the Council's web page
Also see Unison's paper on day centres (PDF)

Worthing Solidarity Network - Update and events

Worthing Solidarity Network is going from strength to strength. Last night's meeting was so well attended that the venue nearly couldn't fit us all! Many, many trade unions, local campaign groups and individuals were represented. Information was given on several important issues; the attempts to privatise and close down day centres for older people, The attempt the close Findon Fire station, the keep the post public campaign and an update from the NUT (National Union of Teachers). After that we even had time to arrange some actions! So here are a few dates for your diary:

Thursday 9th September, 7:45 pm - Brighton Stop The Cuts public meeting. Caroline Lucas is speaking as well as trade unionists and others.

Saturday 11th September 11am-2pm - Worthing Solidarity Network stall. We will be holding a stall in town centre (at the benches opposite the band stand) to let people know what we're up to.

Tuesday 14th September 2:15pm - Save Our Day Centres! West Sussex County Council are holding a public consultation meeting, so we get to give our views on the propossed changes to Day Centres.

Wednesday 22nd September 8:30pm - Worthing Solidairty Network Meeting. Our regular meeting held in the conservatory of Weatherspoons.

Wednesday 29th September 4pm - Day of local action against cuts. Meet at Worthing Town Hall 4pm, bring banners and be ready to make your views heard!!!

Sunday 3rd October - Protest at the Tory Party Conference. The conference is in Birmingham, transport is being organised from Worthing, details to follow. Predictably, the police are trying to stop people marching past the conference centre see here for a petition against this

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Details of next Meeting

Wednesday September 1 

Worthing Solidarity Network meeting - planning a local response to the massive threats to public services and privatisations threatened by the ConDem government. All welcome, including public sector workers, trades unionists and service users. Conservatory, The Sir Timothy Shelley pub, Chapel Road , Worthing . 8pm.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Budget day protest

On June 22nd around 30 people attended through the course of our Budget Day protest at Worthing town hall, part of nationwide "Right To Work" protests at the Con-Dem austerity budget which as expected hits workers and the poor hardest for the reckless behaviour of the financial services rich. Members of UNISON, CWU postal workers, and PCS and GMB members were present. We got good support from passing motorists. In building for the protest we have made new links with many more trade unionists in the town and with workers who would like to join unions and organise their workplaces. We will be organising a public meeting to follow up and building for a
trip to the Tory conference in October. Thanks to everyone who turned out!

Welcome to the Worthing Solidarity Network blog!


Worthing Solidarity Network is an informal network of organisations and individuals supporting action to defend jobs and public services.

It exists to support all workers taking action to defend and improve their living standards.

We will hold regular meetings to discuss and share information on trade union and local workplace issues, community campaigns and so on. We are following the successful example of similar groups set up in Brighton and elsewhere and we aim to create a forum for local workers and trade unionists to seek support and help.