Monday, November 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Instead of holding our scheduled public meeting this coming Tuesday (4th Oct), we've decided to go out leafletting and petitioning around the Maybridge Estate in Goring. We'll be using the petition about the government's Health & Welfare Bill currently going through the House of Lords, which will pave the way for major cuts and privatisation of the NHS and much else besides, and publicising the 'Block the Bridge - Block the Bill' demonstration in London the following Sunday which we are planning to travel up to (see separate email).
We'll be meeting outside the Golden Lion pub in The Strand, at 6.15 to start off at 6.30pm, and plan to leaflet/door knock for a couple of hours. If you want to join us after we've started just give us a call on 07733 151116 to find out where we are.
Hope to see some of you there!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
In case you missed what the MP for Shoreham and East Worthing gets up to in the House of Commons take a look!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
June 30th Rally and March photo's:
Wednesday 13th July, 2011, 8pm at the Beechwood Hall Hotel, Wykeham Rd.
with special guest speakers.
with special guest speakers.
Following on from the massive 30th June strike action........
The strikes in Southampton over pay cuts and the threats of losing their jobs if they refuse to sign new contracts has prompted public sector workers to fight back!
This state of affairs is symptomatic of the Coalition Government's intent to embark on a series of ideological policies designed to reflect the austerity measures of the
I.M.F. which have only recently been imposed on the people of Greece. These include :- massive public spending cuts with huge job losses; pay freezes and even pay cuts, as in Southampton; increased pension contributions for public sector workers for less pension receipts on retirement at 68; cuts in benefits, particularly for the most vulnerable in society such as people with disabilities; the wholesale privatisation of public sector assets and services.
Just as in Greece and in Spain, however, people here are waking up and beginning to offer resistance, and the unified strike action by the C.P.S., N.U.T., A.T.L. and U.C.U.on 30th.June was the first effective response, after the T.U.C. Mass Rally in March in London, to the Coalition's austerity programme. The coming months will undoubtedly witness an even stronger response through more co-ordinated Trades Union activity with the support of the general public as more and more of the public begin to suffer from austerity, and in Worthing the W.S.N. will be at the forefront!
So come along to our Meeting on Wednesday and find out how you can make a contribution to oppose these vicious attacks on our Public Services!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tory governments for a generation, that’s the view of some political commentators following the referendum and the local elections.
Clearly should such a doomsday prediction actually happen the gap between those who have and those who have not will grow even wider. The welfare system and the NHS built up by the taxpayer since the late forties is likely to be handed over to the private sector and broken up, in short millions of hard working citizens hoping to have security in times of poor health or unemployment will have been betrayed.
In many ways what we are seeing is a rerun of the seventies when the Jim Callaghan government was brought down and we all know who followed him – an iron lady with a chainsaw in her handbag eager to chop the NHS and everything state owned.
However today there is a subtle difference. The government we have now is led by what could be called a bunch of Oxbridge spivs. You know the slippery fast talking salesman eager to sell you that one careful owner car yet forgets to tell you the car is made up of 2 wrecked halves.
So how can we prevent a disaster to all we cherish? Clearly the voters were conned by the spivs so electoral methods won’t do it. However there is a more powerful way – the legal route.
Sunday, May 01, 2011
Worthing Solidarity Network
Tel: 07733151116 Facebook: “Worthing Solidarity Network”
The Coalition Government, one year on:
· Cutting the NHS by £20bn
· Increasing private provision in the NHS
· Trebling student tuition fees
· Increasing private provision of schools
· Attempts to privatise the Royal Mail and our forests
· Cutting the state pension by linking to CPI
· Putting VAT up to 20%
· Slashing public sector jobs and services
And what this has already meant locally:
· Removing social care funding from disabled and elderly people
· Closing day centres for the old and disabled
· Closing youth centres
· Many other public sector job losses, depressing our local economy
· Potential closure of our theatres
And there’s much, much more to come. Estimates are that we have only yet seen about 10% of the cuts put into effect.
The national TUC-called protest of 500,000 people in March showed massive opposition to Cameron and Clegg. Their cuts are not necessary. By any historical comparison the current deficit is not large. In fact, Britain has only had a smaller deficit than the current one, as a proportion of GDP, for 50 of the last 250 years! These cuts are about achieving a ‘smaller state’ – by cutting and privatising – at the expense of the services our families and communities rely on.
So what next? We must use the May Local Elections to send a message to Cameron and Clegg!
We need a different Government before the current one destroys everything we hold dear. Cameron and Clegg don’t have a mandate or a majority, and in Worthing we can do our bit on May 5th to maximise pressure on their Coalition. WSN’s 4-step No To Cuts election advice...
1. Don’t vote Tory
2. Don’t vote Lib Dem
3. If you live in Selden Ward, vote for Mike Barrett. Mike is a Labour candidate who opposes all cuts and has pledged to vote and campaign against any attempts to cut or privatise local services. Mike is the only candidate to date to sign WSN’s “No Cuts” election pledge.
4. If you don’t live in Selden, quiz your candidate to find out where they stand on the cuts. Make sure they will stand up for you and your family and oppose all cuts if you give them your vote.
Get involved!
Worthing Solidarity Network is Worthing’s own vibrant anti-cuts group.
We campaign and protest against all and every cut to our services and jobs, including a WSN stall every Saturday from 11am-2pm in Montague Place.
We meet fortnightly on Wednesday evenings, 8pm-10pm, in the upstairs room at the Downview pub, opposite West Worthing rail station. Next meetings are on 4th and 18th May. More details available from worthingsolidarity@gmail.comForthcoming Event: CELEBRATE INTERNATIONAL WORKERS DAY
Barbecue, picnic and social event for local workers and their friends and families – all welcome!
BANK HOLIDAY MONDAY 2nd MAY, 12 noon-3pm
HOMEFIELD PARK (next to Worthing Hospital)
Join us to celebrate to the vital role that working people play in our society and our town, to show our unity against the cuts, and to mark the launch of a Trades Council to link up trades unions in Worthing for the first time in more than 20 years. Anyone who wants to can also join in with leafletting local homes with WSN information leaflets on the day.
More info or to find us on the day: Dave on 07941 874745
Friday, April 15, 2011
Election Special
Updated 21 April
THE outrage over the cuts and austerity measures inflicted on us by the ConDem government has had students and workers protest in London and many other parts of the UK for months. Then on March 26 a massive march and rally in London attracted nearly 1 million from every section of the community – so what has it all achieved so far?Well to be brutal very little. The government is still there; yes there seem to be murmurings of changes to the NHS reforms but if it’s anything like the On Off On forests sell-off don’t expect a climb down soon. Frankly to achieve what we want we have to hit them where it will hurt THEM. Yes the ballot box.
For many the thought of voting is abhorrent but used skilfully we can use their system to defeat them. This May 5 in many parts of the country there will be council elections as well as the referendum on changes to the unfair voting system. The first thing to bear-in-mind is if there is only a Tory or LibDem standing, a vote for either is a vote for cuts – so don’t vote. The idea in this case is to get the percentage of people voting as low as possible – that takes away their legitimacy for making decisions. By all means vote in the referendum.
On the other hand if there are numerous Party’s standing, tactical voting is a must. Carefully study the flyers sent out by the candidates, see if they say they’re against the cuts, vote for them (unless it’s the BNP or similar). On the other hand if they just prattle on about all the wonderful things they’ll do if elected, challenge them about their position on the cuts policy in the street - or on the doorstep if they call on you. Let them know you won’t be voting for them if they support cuts, and you will let family and friends know they support cuts.
So far we know of one candidate in Worthing who has pledged to fight the cuts, he is
Mike Barrett - Labour Party – fighting the Selden Ward.
See Full List Of:
No Election in Adur this year
Mike Barrett - Labour Party – fighting the Selden Ward.
See Full List Of:
Election candidates standing in Worthing
Election candidates standing in Arun
To be continued.
Now for some news. April 21.
Plans to limit disabled care are unlawful
Lib Dems lose 70% of supporters
And they told us Nukes were safe!!
BNP in crisis - Deserted manifesto signals election disaster
We’re in the money: private healthcare providers.
Cameron loosing his grip?
NHS waiting times worse in 3 years
Banking bailout costing taxpayers £5 billion a year in interest.
Teachers' unions back call for a strike ballot. action advocate is new NUS president
Health services open to exploitation by profiteering outsiders
Thousands may sue over kettling
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Watch This Space Election Special Coming Soon
Anyone for Nuclear power now?
NHS money sent to "tax havens".
No confidence in Lansley
Emergency care system is firefighting
Patients denied high cost drugs.
Graduates screwed even more., April 12, 2011
Watch This Space Election Special Coming Soon
Resignation over NHS reforms?
Clegg U-turn over GP consortia
Health care rationing to meet cuts
NHS: the first casualties
Prescription changes fury
Japan’s Chernobyl
Clegg airbrushed out
Monday, April 11, 2011
Fugitive Lib Dem donor found in the Caribbean.
Squeeze on families is worst for 90 years
Toffs 50p tax rate to go
MPs expenses revealed
'Doomed' £6 billion plan to get rid of nuclear waste
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Gulf Stream at risk!
Private companies to make billions out of the NHS
Confidential memo – Lansley not listening.
'Second rate' NHS if reforms go through
The Ian Tomlinson inquest
G20 officer accused of lying under oath.
Police accused of using "unjustified" violence against children
Nick Clegg: Mental Breakdown?
Fukushima: Serious radiation after fresh earthquake
Monday, April 04, 2011
Incapacity benefit
50,000-name petition against cuts and closures of day centres
Hundreds march against library closures
Lets dump radioactive waste in the Pacific!
After that we’ll pollute the Gulf of Mexico again!
Friday, April 01, 2011
Even Tebbit attacks NHS privatisation
How to save Ed!
Cuts to services hit young most
Wot no Hendrix!!
The end is nye
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Trafalgar Square rewind.
Love a protest group
Labour the "first line of defence" against cuts
Spelman she with forked tounge
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
26 per cent of women face poverty in retirement
The National Audit Office report on managing high value NHS capital equipment. (large file)
Fortnum & Mason protesters charged with hunt saboteur’s offence!
Nuclear site “a permanent grave”
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
You can always trust a copper!
EMA 3-point turn
Right to protest under threat
Join Labour for nought
Test 100% privatisation
Nuke fallout in UK
Fukashima: Food supply fears.
ConDem policy hits solar industry
Monday, March 28, 2011
Take your pick
March 26
UK Uncut
The Budget:
A transfer of incomes from poor to rich
Disability Living Allowance
Video on alternatives to the cuts
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Wednesday 23rd March · 8pm-10pm
Upstairs at The Downview, Tarring Rd (opp West Worthing station)
In what should be a momentous week for the anti-cuts movement, join us for our regular meeting to hear the latest on public service cuts and the campaigns to stop them, plus lots more. This week's agenda includes:
- Fighting cuts to adult social care in West Sussex, with a guest speaker "Don’t Cut Us Out West Sussex" - who organised the brilliant hundreds-strong demo at West Sussex County Council in Chichester recently
- National anticuts demo 26th March: final push to publicise + arrangements for the day
- Update on "Stop 9th Tesco" campaign
- WSN & the local elections: update
As always, everyone is very welcome, particularly if you've never been before!
Police support March 26?
Tory MP tells Cameron where to stick NHS reforms.
Nuclear power has meltdown.
Osborne the social re-engineer.
1700 jobs go as Royal mail centres close.
Comical Sarah gets geography lesson.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Nuclear power no thanks
Nuclear and oil both in crisis.
100,000 public sector jobs lost in12 months.
Meltdown fears underestimated
Lovies fight cuts.
Government propaganda to con students
Labour and wider centre-left politics.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Why we must all say No to Nuclear
NHS U-turn?
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Europe wide Nuclear reactor checks
60,000 protest against nuclear plants
Fuel price hike to follow meltdown?
Friday, March 11, 2011
Strike call by doctors and teachers.
Don’t call Fred Goodwin a **nker.
Nuclear reactor meltdown fears
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Police to join March 26 protest?
WCA: "I felt it was assumed that I was lying...”
Don’t bin your dial up Modem!
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